Swope’s Picks episode 32 – Tucker & Bruce vol 3: The Reveal

We flash back to April 2018…people texting in that Tucker and Bruce are the same person…Tim thinks unfortunately the rumor is true based on the people texting him…Daddy Padre calls in to re-live his fake Alec Ogletree call, Iggy explains the Becky Weisberger saga, Swope has been investigating Tucker vs Bruce and calls in to provide analysis. You wanna talk Tower Tee? Pat Dolan is on notice. Tucker calls in and disputes Swope’s claim that he’s divorced. Swope asks Tucker if he works with Shvetta and Rokas, Tim asks Tucker if he’s Bruce and Tucker confirms it’s true and then goes into Bruce. He’s also Caller JR, caller RJ who was on an all night bender, and a sitcom savant named Richard. Matt Who Bowls at Hanks ships an EOTD ensemble for the ages. Tucker comes out for TMA Live and performs as several characters. We’re joined by Caller Tucker to discuss his thought process on that morning leaving up to the call, and the basis for the Tucker persona. Mashup features Doug, Ashley, Luke, Tim, Iggy, Larry, Cat, Charlie, and Chris Flowers.

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